Sunday, July 22, 2018

The world I know

The world I know now, as a decade long guardian ad litem, is very different from the one I grew up in.  I had kids.  I had church friends.  I had normal.

Now, as a GAL I know a lot about drugs, and having no way to get real help because a social worker chooses not to like me. I spend days - yes, days - upset and sad and horrified that kids have to live in these conditions.  And I spend just as much time fearing that their next placement is worse.

My life is changed, in this 12 years working in child abuse and neglect.  When my kids, or steps, say they feel suicidal, I believe them and get help.  I lost a GAL boy to suicide.  When I watch Teen Mom, I wonder what those girls will do when they aren’t teen moms anymore, but just moms with lots of babies and no jobs.

What do we do to stem this tide?