Two new additions to our household: RunningMan and VolleyballGirl.
RunningMan is my boyfriend of almost a year. He has taken up residence with me and my girls this year, after much soul searching by both of us. We are both newly divorced, so this felt quick, but at the same time, we are both old, so what is the reason to wait, really? We both run, and sometimes do so together. RunningMan is kind and thoughtful (most of the time - he is a man, after all). He has a crazy ex to rival my crazy ex, but he also has a good heart.
RunningMan and I met online on a dating site. This is almost pitiful to admit in some circles, but it is a fact. He is adjusting to the house and the kids really like him.
RunningMan brings with him a fifteen year old daughter, VolleyballGirl. VolleyballGirl is pretty troubled right now due to several things: she doesn't see her mom ever, by her choice; her boyfriend (or ex, depending on the day) is in juvie; she is going through a social crisis and no longer hangs out with her friends; and generally she is also a fifteen year old girl. I love her as one of my own in some ways, but in others we are still getting accustomed to each other. She's here to stay though, so expect to hear about her.
VolleyballGirl brings a new dynamic to our once fairly stable set of four girls. She seems to alternate between Doctor and Sarcasma, which sometimes causes strife. I hope these issues begin to smooth out some, although I will quickly admit they are not going to disappear.
That's all for now. Time to go save some kids from the evil juvenile officer...
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